SMS Collection


Tag: friendship

My Sister My Best Friend

Yes, she’s my best friend,
and yes sometimes we have problems,
sometimes we fight.
sometimes we laugh,
sometimes we cry.
I know everything about her,
and she knows everything about me.
and even though we have defects,
we love each other…
and we always will.

friendship message for sisters
friendship message for sisters

Enjoy The Adventures with Friends

I take you to be my best friend,
my faithful partner and my one true love.
I promise to encourage you & inspire you
and to love you truly through good times and bad.
I will forever be there to laugh with you,
to lift you up when you are down
and to love you unconditionally through
all of our adventures in life together.

love to spend time with best friend and enjoy adventures.
love to spend time with best friend and enjoy adventures.

Love You My Best Friend

Dear best friend,
You’re stupid. You fail. You’re weird.
You’re not perfect. But that’s okay.
I’m like that too. We laugh at the
random things. You know my ugliest side.
Even though we disagree sometimes,
we never fight. When I’m sad,
you were always there to make
sure I’m okay. Thanks for being there for me.
I love you.

try to find true love in best friend
try to find true love in best friend