Tag: Friendship Msgs
Friendship Is A Network of Hearts
Friendship is a network that needs:
No recharge; No roaming; No validity;
No activation; No signal problem;
Just don’t switch off your heart.
Friends Are Like Underpants
Friends are like underpants…
Some crawl up your ass
Some snap under pressure
Some don’t have the
strength to hold you up.
Some get a little twisted
Some support you
Some are your favorite
Some are cheap and
just get bent out of shape
and some actually do
cover your ass when
you need them to!!

Beautiful Life with Friends
Life can give us a number of beautiful friends.
But; only true friends can give us a beautiful life.
Boring Life without Friends
Friends are the integral part of life,
without them life is boring and empty.
They are people who fill our life with joy and happiness.
If friends are around you, no pain and misery
can stay for long they make you laugh,
they make you cry, they are always there for you!
My Friends Are Just Like Me
Friends Gives You Best Favor
A Friend is:
A push when you have stopped;
A chat when you are lonely;
A guide when you are searching;
A smile when you are sad;
and a song when you are glad!
Lack of Friendship
Mutual Weirdness of riendship
We are all a bit weird and life is a little weird
and when we find someone whose weirdness
is compatible with ours, we fall into a
mutual weirdness called friendship.
When You Become My Friend
As I look back on my past,
I remember the jokes I laughed at,
the things I missed and lost, but
there’s one thing I will never regret,
it’s the day you become my friend