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Tag: Good Morning Msgs

Good Morning Live Today

Good Morning, Live today.
Yes, live today.
Not yesterday, not tomorrow.
Just today.
Inhabit your moments.

– Jerry Spinelli

Wishing You A Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday morning wish you good moments.
Wednesday morning wish you good moments.

Each Morning Waiting For Happiness

If you are waiting each morning
for happiness to come your way
you will only wake up and
fall asleep miserable.
Happiness must be made not found.

wake up with smile every morning and have happy life.
wake up with smile every morning and have happy life.

The Morning Cup of Coffee

The morning cup of coffee
has an exhilaration about it
which the cheering influence
of the afternoon or evening
cup of tea cannot be
expected to reproduce.
Good Morning

wishing you a very good morning with cup of coffee
wishing you a very good morning with cup of coffee

Say To Yourself Every Morning

Think Positive Be An Optimist.
Say to yourself every morning.
* Today is going to be a great day
* I can handle more than I think I can
* Thins don’t get better by worrying about them
* I can be satisfied if I try to do my best
* There is always something to be happy about
* I’m going to make someone happy today
* It is not good to be down
* Life is great; Make the most of it.

every morning make a plan to have a good day
every morning make a plan to have a good day

Waking UP This Morning with Smile

Waking up this morning, I smile.
24 brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment
and to look at all beings
with eyes of compassion.

Good Morning Quotes to have a wonderful morning with smile.
Good Morning Quotes to have a wonderful morning with smile.