Tag: Love
Morning Smile For My Love
Feels Good In The Morning
Love Make You Feel Beautiful
Love Is Best Thing In Life
A Boy Does Not Fall In Love Easily
A boy does not fall in love easily… but once he
falls for a girl truly, he will be the most caring,
most loving, most romantic, most understanding
and truthful for his girl, for all his life ♥
and the girls who are going to comment here
saying “just in stories”, i bet you haven’t come
across a guy in true love.
Keep waiting ♥ :)
Start New Year Journey Together
Enjoy The Adventures with Friends
I take you to be my best friend,
my faithful partner and my one true love.
I promise to encourage you & inspire you
and to love you truly through good times and bad.
I will forever be there to laugh with you,
to lift you up when you are down
and to love you unconditionally through
all of our adventures in life together.

Adventures of Loving Life
I take you to be my best friend,
my faithful partner and my one true love.
I promise to encourage you & inspire you
and to love you truly through good times and bad.
I will forever be there to laugh with you,
to life you up when you are down and
to love you unconditionally through
all of our adventures in life together.

Gave You Piece of My Heart
I gave you piece of my heart
no one else has seen.
Snipped into paper snowflakes
and wrapped in silken ribbons.
I let you take pieces of my soul
no one else has touched.
I tucked them into little boxes
laid them with lace and dried flowers.
I watched you set fire
to dreams I never had
before I met you.
and I didn’t move an inch.