The perfect guy is not the one
who has the most money or the most handsome one you’ll meet.
He is the one who knows
how to make you smile and
will take care of you each and everyday until the end of time.
true love and caring partner know how to make you smile.
I crush her against me.
I want to be part of her.
Not just inside her but
all around her.
I want our rib cages to
crack open and our heart to migrate and merge.
I want our cells to braid
together like living thread.
I love you, not because of what you have But because of what I feel…
I care for you, not because you need care but because I want to…
I’m always here for you, not because I want you to be with me but because I want to be with you..!
Don’t look for a pretty face,
it will turn old one day.
Don’t look for a soft skin,
it will wrinkle one day.
But look for a loyal heart,
that will miss you every day
and love you forever.