Happy New Year wishing you & your family
a happy new year 2015!!
Open a new book today.
Forget all your worries and welcome new year 2015!
A new ear has come with new expectations,
New opportunities, new challenges and
a whole new way of delighting people
related with you.
Have a happy life ahead!
Movement is a medicine for creating
change in a person’s physical,
emotional and mental states.
So Exercise daily in the morning
to keep yourself fit good morning.
– Carol Welch
Yes, she’s my best friend,
and yes sometimes we have problems,
sometimes we fight.
sometimes we laugh,
sometimes we cry.
I know everything about her,
and she knows everything about me.
and even though we have defects,
we love each other…
and we always will.
I went to sleep last night with a smile
because I knew I’d be dreaming of you…
but I woke up this morning with a smile
because you weren’t a dream.
wish you a very good morning my love
Thousands of reasons by Doe Zantamata.
If every morning,
you can find a reason to say,
“yes, it’s going to be a beautiful day.”
and every day, you find a reason to say,
“yes, it is a beautiful day.”
and every night, you find a reason to say,
“yes, it was a beautiful day.”
Then one day,
you’ll look back and easily say,
“yes… it was a beautiful life.”