Tag: morning
Good Morning For A Promising Day
Good Morning
Be true to yourself.
Make each day your masterpiece.
Help others.
Drink deeply from good books.
Make friendship a fine art.
Build a shelter against a rainy day.
Pray for guidance and give thanks
for your blessings every day.
– John Wooden
Have a nice day!

Smile Every Morning For Good Day
Late Night Memories of You
Every Morning Focus On Your Desires
Good Morning
Focus more on your desire
than on your doubt and
the dream will take care of itself.
You may be surprised at how
easily this happens.
Your doubts are not as powerful
as your desires unless
you make them so.
Have a wonderful Thursday

Feels Good In The Morning
Early Morning Sunshine
Cherish The Happiness In The Morning
Good Morning
There is only one day that exists and that is today.
For tomorrow may never come and
yesterday has past and gone…
Happiness is life’s most precious gift.
Be wise and cherish the happiness
you do have and do not dwell
on the happiness you don’t have.
Have a wonderful Thursday.

Morning Exercise Motivational Quotes
Every Morning Find A Reason
Thousands of reasons by Doe Zantamata.
If every morning,
you can find a reason to say,
“yes, it’s going to be a beautiful day.”
and every day, you find a reason to say,
“yes, it is a beautiful day.”
and every night, you find a reason to say,
“yes, it was a beautiful day.”
Then one day,
you’ll look back and easily say,
“yes… it was a beautiful life.”