SMS Collection


Tag: New Good Morning SMS

Looked In The Mirror Every Morning

For the past 33 years,
I have looked in the mirror
every morning and asked myself:
‘If today were the last day of my life,
would I want to do
what I am about to do today?’
and whenever the answer has been NO
for too many days in a row,
I know I need to change something.
– Steve Jobs

every morning ask yourself what do you want
every morning ask yourself what do you want

Every Morning Review Your Purpose

Good Morning
Life without a purpose is a languid, drifting thing;
every morning we ought to review our purpose,
saying to ourselves,
“This day let me make a sound beginning“.
Thomas Kempis

every morning refresh your purpose and make a new beginning
every morning refresh your purpose and make a new beginning

It’s Another Beautiful Day

It’s another day.
It’s another beautiful day!
Life is a matter of perspective.
No matter what the weather,
no matter what the situation we are in,
if we have the right perspective in life,
life will always be beautiful!
Good Morning