Miss You More All The Night
When I say good night to you
I feel hurt and sore because
it makes me miss you more
all the night, good night.
When I say good night to you
I feel hurt and sore because
it makes me miss you more
all the night, good night.
Good Night
I hope today has brought you good
cheer and given you a peaceful mind
so as you rest well this night.
Sweet Dreams.
Dear friend, don’t be worried about tomorrow,
I will always be there to set things right.
Good night.
My nights are longer than my days
Since I am not by your side but
it’s all worth it dreaming about you
wakes me up with a smile mile wide.
Good Night.
On a silent night when friends are few,
I close my eyes and think of you,
A silent night, A silent tear,
A silent wish that you were here.
Good Night
Each night before you go to bed
complete the following statement
I am thankful for today I accomplished
Good Night
When I was about to fall asleep,
my teddy woke me up and reminded
me to wish you a night full of
happy dreams and wonderful thoughts.
So here comes my message to wish you
a very good night and sweet dreams.
It is good to praise the Lord…
to proclaim your love in the morning
and your faithfulness at night.
Good Night My Darling
GOD bless you all good night.
May you rest warm and cozy in your beds.
Marry Christmas Sweet Dreams!
May GOD inspire you to
achieve a goal that HE
puts in your heart.
May HE stir up faith as
you step up and step out.
May HE give you fresh
conviction and discipline
to say no to lesser things
so you can say yes to HIS
best plan for you.
May the wind of the
Holy Spirit fill your sail and
take you to a new inspired place.
And tonight sleep well.
– Susie Larson