You must understand the whole of life,
not just one little part of it.
That is why you must read,
that is why you must look at the skies.
That is why you must sing and dance,
and write poems, and suffer,
and understand for all that is life.
Thank you for the lovely Christmas present,
It was very kind of you,
we had a lovely Christmas & hope
you did too!
Lots of love & kisses.
Happy Christmas Day
happiness, joy, lots of gifts wish you wonderful Christmas day.
Time has no divisions to mark its passage,
there is never a thunder storm or blare of trumpets
to announce the beginning of a new month or year.
Even when a new century begins
it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.
I don’t need to be rich or have a fancy home.
I just want to go to sleep at night
knowing my labor had heart.
I’ve loved fiercely and lived
close enough to the edge that
I can see the waves kiss the rocks.
Good Night
I take you to be my best friend,
my faithful partner and my one true love.
I promise to encourage you & inspire you
and to love you truly through good times and bad.
I will forever be there to laugh with you,
to life you up when you are down and
to love you unconditionally through
all of our adventures in life together.
confession of loving partner to share adventures of life
Good Morning
As each day comes to us
refreshed and anew, so does
my gratitude renew itself daily.
The breaking of the sun over
the horizon is my grateful heart
dawning upon a blessed world.
– Terri Guillemets
Wishing you a lovely Sunday!
this morning wishing you a lovely and refreshing Sunday
It’s a new year. It’s time to start again.
Stop thinking about what you’re going
to do and start doing it. It’s time to
live your life and be who you are.
Forget about whatever happened
in last year and just move on. Take risks and be yourself,
you only have one life and
it’s time to make the most of it.
Make a new year’s resolution
and this time achieve it
no matter what the cost is.
Happy New Year