I wish in new year 2015 GOD gives you…
12 months of happiness,
52 weeks of fun,
365 days of success,
8760 hours with good health,
52600 minutes good luck,
3153600 seconds of joy…
and that’s all! Happy New Year!
wish you successful new year 2015 with lots of happiness.
Happy New Year wishing you & your family
a happy new year 2015!!
Open a new book today.
Forget all your worries and welcome new year 2015!
A new ear has come with new expectations,
New opportunities, new challenges and
a whole new way of delighting people
related with you.
Have a happy life ahead!
Movement is a medicine for creating
change in a person’s physical,
emotional and mental states.
So Exercise daily in the morning
to keep yourself fit good morning.
– Carol Welch
Yes, she’s my best friend,
and yes sometimes we have problems,
sometimes we fight.
sometimes we laugh,
sometimes we cry.
I know everything about her,
and she knows everything about me.
and even though we have defects,
we love each other…
and we always will.
I went to sleep last night with a smile
because I knew I’d be dreaming of you…
but I woke up this morning with a smile
because you weren’t a dream.
wish you a very good morning my love