Good morning dear friend
It’s a beautiful day…
and before I head out, on my way…
I just had to stop in, and say… Thinking of you… Brightens my day,
and brings joy to my heart!
May GOD bless you…
with sunshine to warm your face,
love to warm your heart,
and laughter to fill your day!
I wish that the coming year
turn out to be glorious year
for you and your family.
May this year gives you rewards
and may you receive success
in all your future endeavors. Happy New Year 2015
To you and your family.
It is very easy to run away from everything,
yet difficult to wake up.
Don’t run from your life,
from your duties,
from those around you.
wake up and face them as a challenge. Good Morning
be strong enough to face challenges in the morning
My friend, you are…
the light in my dark.
The smooth in my roughs.
The correct in my wrongs.
The easy in my toughs.
The bright in my dull.
The good in my frowns.
The happy in my sad.