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Enjoy The Adventures with Friends

I take you to be my best friend,
my faithful partner and my one true love.
I promise to encourage you & inspire you
and to love you truly through good times and bad.
I will forever be there to laugh with you,
to lift you up when you are down
and to love you unconditionally through
all of our adventures in life together.

love to spend time with best friend and enjoy adventures.
love to spend time with best friend and enjoy adventures.

Good Night Fancy Quotes

I don’t need to be rich or have a fancy home.
I just want to go to sleep at night
knowing my labor had heart.
I’ve loved fiercely and lived
close enough to the edge that
I can see the waves kiss the rocks.
Good Night

Dave Buchanan

good night quotes for peaceful sleep every night
good night quotes for peaceful sleep every night

Start Afresh New Year

The object of a new year is not
that we should have a new year.
It is that we should have a new soul
and a new nose, new feet, new
backbone, new ears, and new eyes.
Unless a man start afresh about things,
he will certainly do nothing effective.

my wishes for you, start a new year with new soul
my wishes for you, start a new year with new soul

Good Morning For A Promising Day

Good Morning
Be true to yourself.
Make each day your masterpiece.
Help others.
Drink deeply from good books.
Make friendship a fine art.
Build a shelter against a rainy day.
Pray for guidance and give thanks
for your blessings every day.

– John Wooden

Have a nice day!

read these quotes to motivate yourself this morning to have a promising day.
read these quotes to motivate yourself this morning to have a promising day.