Tag: text
Good Night Blessings For All
Good Night Blessings.
Good Night friends and family.
May GOD watch over you tonight
and bring you many blessings at
the start of a new day tomorrow.
If you are hurting tonight,
give it over to GOD in prayer.
If your heart is broken,
give it over to HIM to heal and mend.
Just remember,
Joy comes in the morning hugs.

Blessings of Christmas Season
May the Christmas season
fill your home with joy,
your heart with love and
your life with laughter.
Merry Christmas
Tonight Drift Into Sound Sleep
Good Morning Have Faith In Yourself
Good Morning
When you come to the edge of all the light you know,
and are about to step off into the darkness of unknown;
Have faith in yourself.
Faith is knowing one of two things will happen;
There will be something solid to stand on,
or you will be taught how to fly.

Glad On Birthday of My Brother
Love You My Best Friend
Dear best friend,
You’re stupid. You fail. You’re weird.
You’re not perfect. But that’s okay.
I’m like that too. We laugh at the
random things. You know my ugliest side.
Even though we disagree sometimes,
we never fight. When I’m sad,
you were always there to make
sure I’m okay. Thanks for being there for me.
I love you.

This Morning Going To Be Happy
Each morning when I open my eyes
I say to myself: I, not events,
have the power to make me happy
or unhappy today. I can choose
which it shall be.
Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t
arrived yet. I have just one day, today
and I’m going to be happy in it.
– Groucho Marx