Friends Beyond Distance
Good friends care for each other,
Close friends understand each other,
But true friends stay forever…
Beyond words, beyond distance,
beyond time.
Every has friends and Friendship is a word know to every one. Reminding your friends on each occasion, send them gifts, cards and SMS is must. SmsGlitz has compiled a list of Friendship SMS and Friendship Quotes ranging in language from English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengla to Punjabi. You will find some good Friendship SMS, Friendship Text Messages, Exciting Friendship SMS, Friendship quotes, greetings and wishes. For Love/Romantic SMS
Good friends care for each other,
Close friends understand each other,
But true friends stay forever…
Beyond words, beyond distance,
beyond time.
RABBA dukh na dena meray DOST ko,
Mujhay chahay SUKH ka pahaar dede…
Goomay new CYCLE pe DOST mera!,
Mujhe bhalay hi purani si MERCEDES CAR dede..
Bhooka na rakhna mere dost ko khane ko taazi DAAL dede,
Mujhe bhalay hi kal ka Cake+custard+ biryani AUR COKE dede.
Phir na kehna k dost dua nahi kerta..
Today I saw your duplicate.
I said hello
He did not give answer
I felt very bad.
Than he finished his banana
Jumped on another tree.
Longest LOVE is MOTHER”s LOVE,
Shortest LOVE is other LOVE,
sweetest LOVE is LOVER”s LOVE,
but strongest LOVE is FRIEND LOVE….
A friend is someone
you can be alone with
and have nothing to do
and not be able to think of anything to say
and be comfortable in the silence.
A good friend
Not easy to obtain.
Once obtained
Difficult to maintain.
Once lost
Impossible to regain.
Moral:- Menu sambaal ke rakho khushbakhto..!:-)
All Things change with time
ClassRoom to office,
Books to Files,
Jeans to Dress pants,
PocketMoney to Salary,
& Girlfriend to WIFE,
But What Wil never change Is
¤Yaran Di Yari¤.
When i was Walking ‘Alone’,
i Wished,
i can Reach
the End of the Road..
when U
Joined ‘Me’,
i wish,
the Road Never Ends…