SMS Collection


Category: Love SMS

Huge big and Cute Collection of Latest Love SMS, English Love SMS, Urdu Love SMS, Hindi Love SMS, Funny Love SMS, Free Love SMS, Valentine’s Love SMS, Cute Love quotes, Love Greetings, Love You Wishes, Love you SMS, Love you Feelings

One Person In Our Life

There is always one person in our life
to whom we give numerous second chances!!
The reason is that,
we can never hate them
as much as we love them!

Best Friend Lover

The best relationship is when
your lover is alos your best friend
and you can be yourself with them
and they stil love you for who you are.

Hope we can be like that

When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there.
Hope we can be like that.
We dont always see each other,
but we will always be there for one another.

You are my valentine

Love is Life
Love is Knife
It cuts our throat,
till the time we thrive,
sorrow and nature,
don’t go aside,
but smile and say,
that u r my Valentine….

Your First Love Is The Person

Your first love isn’t always
the first person you kiss,
or the first person you date.
Your first love is the person
you will always compare everyone to.
The person that you will never truly get over,
even when you’ve convinced yourself
you’ve moved on.