Category: Love SMS
Huge big and Cute Collection of Latest Love SMS, English Love SMS, Urdu Love SMS, Hindi Love SMS, Funny Love SMS, Free Love SMS, Valentine’s Love SMS, Cute Love quotes, Love Greetings, Love You Wishes, Love you SMS, Love you Feelings
Loves Me More
I want someone
who loves me
when I’m around
and loves me more
when I’m not.
Thought of you today, that’s not new
Thought of you today, That’s not new,
Thought of you yesterday + the day before too,
I will think of you tomorrow & my whole life through,
& I will think of you forever because I think the world of you.
you always being loved
Love in life is like a boomerang,
once you try to dump your loved one
that’s when they keeps coming back
coz you are bound like a dog and its tail,
meaning once you love, you always being loved.
Love is not something that happens on first sight
Love is not something that happens on first sight,
It happens when you start knowing each other,
And it turn ending up needing each other,
For every feeling,for every thought and for every moment
Be my Valentine, my love,
Be my Valentine, my love,
As I will be for you,
And we will love the whole day long,
And love our whole lives through.
For love has no parameters
And does not end with time,
But is the gift of paradise,
A pinch of the sublime.
So let us take this holiday
To resubmit our love
To those within that know no sin
And with the angels move
Dalton’s LAW OF LOVE
Love cn neither b creatd n0r b destyod
It can only b changd fr0m
0ne girl friend to an0ther. .
da boy wil b remain c0nstant
i love my own heart
I love the air,
because it touches you.
I love the sun,
because it falls on you.
I love my heart,
because it loves you
Fight To Find True Love
Heaven is not heaven without U
If I’m in hell & Ur in heaven,
I’ll look up & be glad of U.
If I’m in heaven & Ur in hell,
I’ll pray to god to send me down,
Coz the heaven is not heaven without U.