SMS Collection


Category: Miss You SMS

Collection of Latest, Best, Free Missing You SMS, Miss You SMS, I miss You SMS, English Urdu Hindi Missing You SMS, Missing You Text Messages, Missing you poems, Missing you Feelings, Missing you Quotes

Miss You In A Manner

My love for you in a manner that you’ll never know.
I need you in a manner that you’ll never do.
I miss you in a manner that you’ll never feel.
I love you in a manner that you never will.

You Always Made Me Smile

I’ll never forget the way you held me in your arms or the
way you rescued me when my back was against the wall.
You always made me smile no matter the situation,
I thought it would last forever, well that was my mistake.
You died before I could return the favor,
I’ll never forget you my guardian angel.

Knowing a person like u

Knowing a person like u,
has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I have to let u go…
I would find a million reasons to make u stay. I miss you.