Message of the year
Message of the year:-
Women live a better, longer & peaceful life..!!
Why? Very simpleā¦
A woman does not have a wife..!!!
Message of the year:-
Women live a better, longer & peaceful life..!!
Why? Very simpleā¦
A woman does not have a wife..!!!
A man approaches to
a beautiful woman in a Hypermarket:
Miss, please, I lost my wife in the store.
Would you mind if I talk to you for a few minutes?
Woman said Why?
Man: Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman,
my wife appears from somewhere.
Confident Husband: “When I am gone you will never find another man like me”.
Wife Sarcastically: “What makes you think I would want another man like you!”
A wife hit her husband with a frying pan.
Husband: What was that for..?
Wife: I found a paper in your pocket
with the name Jenny on it.
Husband: I took part in a race last week
and Jenny was the name of my horse.
Wife: Sorry..!
Next day wife hit him with the frying pan again
Husband: What now..?
Wife: Your horse is on the Phone.
An Economist explains the reason for having 2 wives…
“Monopoly is Always Damaging…!!!
“Competition Improves Service…!
mechanical engineer wife
calls his husband and said:
Your spare part has arrived (you become a father)
Husband replied: check it below there is Nut of Bolt.
Wife to husband.
Wife: Aaj mere tan,man mein aag laga do.
Husband ne patrol phenk k agg laga di.
“jazbat ka izhar asaan lafzon mein krein”
A man came home late at night after partying.
His wife yelled: How would you feel
if you didn’t see me for two days?
The man couldn’t believe his luck.
‘That would be great’
Monday passed and he didn’t see her.
Tuesday and Wednesday passed too.
On Thursday his swelling became better and
now he could see her from the corner of one eye.!
When a man opens the
door of his car for his wife,
you can be sure of one thing:
either the car is new or the wife.
Woman Buys A New Sim
Card Puts It In Her Phone
And Decides To Surprise Her
Husband Who Is Seated On
The Couch In The Living Room.
She Goes To The Kitchen,
Calls Her Husband With
The New Number:
“Hello Darling”
The Husband Responds
In A Low Tone:
“Let Me Call U Back
Later Honey, The Dumb
Lady Is In The Kitchen………