Some promises are always unbroken
Some promises are always unbroken
Some memories are always unwritten
Feel the magic of true relation and You’ll realize
that true feelings are always Unspoken…
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Some promises are always unbroken
Some memories are always unwritten
Feel the magic of true relation and You’ll realize
that true feelings are always Unspoken…
When GOD solves your problems,
You have faith in his abilities….
When he doesn’t solve your problems,
He has faith in your abilities…
We find comfort somewhere
There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere,
and we are expect too much;
but then,
if one scheme of happiness fails,
human nature turns to another;
if the first calculation is wrong,
we make a second better:
Never leave the one you like for the one you love.
Because the one you like will leave you for the one they love!!!!
One tree makes one lakh matchsticks
but one matchstick can burn one lakh trees.
Moral: One negative thought
can burn all positive thoughts.
You never get a second chance
to make a first impression
you never born for
the second time to make this life good
so make it good now.
Most people do not listen
with the intent to understand;
they listen with the intent to reply.
In life,
Don’t trust people whose
“FEELINGS” change with TIME.
Trust only those people whose
“FEELINGS” remain the SAME,
even when time changes..!
Things in boys room!
Before Marriage:
Love Letters
Friendship Cards
After Marriage:
Pain Killers
Loan Papers
Unpaid Bills
List for Shopping
Happy Unmarried Life
A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,
A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life..