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men and women have argued

For years men and women have

argued over which is more painful:

Being kicked in the balls


Giving birth…?

Put it this way!

After a couple’s first child,

a woman will usually say

Lets have a baby again.


We won’t find a single man on this earth,

who will ever say

Ok kick me on the balls again..!

worth of the words

Sometimes a blank paper

tells you a whole story and

at times even a book lacks the meanings,

It is true that words are important but

silence increase the worth of the some words.!

Each moment of your life

Each moment of your life is a picture
which u had never seen before.
And which ull never see again so enjoy
live life & make each moment beautiful….

Keep Yourself Cool

Your reflection cannot be seen in boiling water,

the same way,

truth cannot be seen in a state of anger.

So always keep yourself cool.

loving words that heal

A careless word may kindly strife.

The cruel word usually wrecks a life.

Timely words help level stress.

But it’s loving words that heal & Bless.