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elephant does’nt eat bananas

An elephant hs 5 bananas and he is hungry, but he does’nt eat bananas.y?

Bcoz thi bananas r made of plastic..
Next Q…
Da 5bananas r real but thi elephant does’nt eat it.y?
Coz da elephant is made of plastic.

Never giv up.

1 more Q.


both da elephant n da bananas r real, bt yet he cant it..y?

Coz da bananas r in da TV.

Oooopps!!! Cool down

both da elephant n da bananas r real n in da TV, bt yet he cant eat it.y?

Coz they r on difrnt chanels.

Ok sory

Both da elephant n da bananas r real in da TV n on da same chanel, bt yet cant eat it.y?

Cmon think….

Coz TV is OFF..