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Only Love Can Remove

Only love can remove

worries,  doubts,  tears,

fears,  And . . .

Underwear !! ;-)

greatest blessings of new year

New years come and new years go,

pieces of time all in a row.

As we live our life,

each second and minute,

We know we’re privileged

to have you in it.

Our appreciation never ends

For our greatest blessings:

our family and friends.

Happy New Year!

Journey of Love

Life, Love & Success.
Each is a journey
which is better enjoyed
with someone you value
and who values you.

Warm Up Your Heart

Life soars when you start dreaming…
Hope surrounds when you start beilebing,
Love blooms when you start caring…
Dream, Hope,Love warm up your
heart, mind and soul for a beautiful life.
Good Morning