All wishing you a very very HAPPY DIWALI!
With my
1 heart
2 eyes
7 liter blood
206 bones
4.5 million red cells
60 trillion D N A”S…
All wishing you a very very
Gold Ring With Diamond
Boy: I Love You..?
Girl: Hahahahaha
Boy: I Won’t Live Without You..?
Girl: Hahahahahahaha
Boy: I Will Die For You..?
Girl: Hahahahahahahaha
Boy: I Will Gift You A Gold Ring With Diamond..?
Girl: Awwwww.. Promise ?
Boy: Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha
Bhool se koi bhool hui to
Bhool se koi bhool hui to
bhool samajh kar bhool jana.
Are… bhoolna sirf bhool ko,
bhool se bhi hame na bhulana.
When you love someone, it’s nothing.
When you love someone, it’s nothing.
When someone loves you, it’s something.
When U love someone & they love you back,
It’s everything.
Close Your Eyes And Go To Sleep
Yes, As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight.
Close your eyes and go to sleep,
All the good times are yours to keep.
Sweetest dreams & Good Night.
Work For A Cause
Work for a cause, not for applause.
Live to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed,
just make your absence felt.
hug you with my prayers
WhEn mY Armz cAn’t reAch yOu… !!
I alwAYs hUg yOu Wid mY prAyErs..
MAY Allah giVe yOu WhAteVer yOuR heArt dEsiRes.
Life is like a MOVIE…
Life is like a MOVIE…
If u r sad – DRAMA
If u r afraid – SUSPENSE
If u r angry – ACTION
When u look at the mirror – HORROR