SMS Collection


How Short Life Is

Rain is irritating if
you are getting wet alone! ;)

Pizza is just some junk food
if there are no more than a
… pair of hands picking it
up! :P

Songs are just a time pass if
they doesn’t remind you of
someone :(

No Matter How Short Life Is
“Live It With Your Beloved Ones” :):)

Your Killer Smile

Your Killer Smile

Do you know your 1 smile

can make 100 peoples die,

so you can decrease this over population,

so baby, please keep on smiling.

you must go beyond them

If you always put limits on everything you do,
physical or anything else.
It will spread into your work and into your life.
There are no limits. There are only plateaus,
and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.

Happy Birthday To Sweet Sister

My dearest sister,
wish you a very warm and happy birthday.
You are not only the sweetest sister
but also a true friend.
I feel blessed to have a sister like you.
May you achieve and get
all you ever wish for.
Happy Birthday

Birthday Wish Greetings For Sweet Sister
Birthday Wish Greetings For Sweet Sister

Plz Tel Me Comedy Answer :

Plz Tel Me Comedy Answer :

Agr Ap K Pas Auto-Rickshaw Hota
To Ap Us K Pechay Kya Likhtey?
Send It To Al Ur Frndz Nd See Beautiful Replies Bt First Me!

Eid Day Best of Any Day

I always wish you happy days

and hope that you’ ll have many

but still I’d like this special day

to be your best of any.

Eid Mubarak