SMS Collection


I like people like you

I like people like you

who like others like me

and make the others like me

to like others like you. :-)

Think again & again.

There’s a wonderful meaning in it..!!

Who Is The Father

Twin babies born in a SARDAR’s House.
SARDAR G could not sleep whole night continuously thinking?
Who is the father of second!

Life Is A Book of Mysteries

Life Is A Book of Mysteries

Life is a Book Of mysteries, you never Know
which page will bring A Good twist in the story ,
so keep on reading because happiness
comes when it is most unexpected………….!!!

What Will Be The 1st Thought

That’s called a reply….!

Husband: If i sleep with your most loving friend.
What will be the 1st thought
that would come in your mind?
Wife: that you are a Gay.!:-)

Lovely Good Morning Message

Eyes are not meant for tears and
heart is not meant for fear,
never get upset, always cheer
as you are one who can make me smile for years.
Good Morning Dear.

express your love in the morning with cup of tea or coffee.
express your love in the morning with cup of tea or coffee.