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all things come to end

Flower dies,

Stories end,

Songs fade,

Memories are forgotten,

All things come to end,

But this studdy

Chipak kr he reh gae hai musibat :-(

Newton Law of Exams

Newton Law of Exams

According to newton’s 4th law for exams
every book will continue to be at rest
or covered with dust until
some external or internal exam moves it!

Easy Physics

Physics would have been much easier..




Tree had fallen on Newton’s head instead of Apple.. :-

Searching The Book

If I have 8 hours to cut a tree,

i will spend 7 hours in sharping the axe.


“If we have 8 hours to study,

we will spend 7 hours searching the book


Funny Situation In Exams

The funniest situation in student life
when we have no idea what to write
in the exam paper n the supervisor comes
says, “please cover your answer sheet” :P