No 1 will touch ur mom
A man was dying of cancer.
His son asked him:
dad why do you keep on telling
everyone that your dying of AIDS.
He replied:
“So that when i die no 1 will touch ur mom”
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A man was dying of cancer.
His son asked him:
dad why do you keep on telling
everyone that your dying of AIDS.
He replied:
“So that when i die no 1 will touch ur mom”
Mujhe kisi mehangi jaga le ke chaliye na ji”
Husband:Chalo, tayyar ho jao…”
Petrol pump chaltay hain:D
Judge: U r crossing the limits.
Lawyer: Kaun Saala aisa kehta hai?
Judge: How dare you call me saala?
Lawyer: My Lord, I said kaun ‘Sa Law’ kehta hai?
Sardar darvaze pe GUN liye khara tha
Wife: y r u standing here?
Sardar: Sher k shikar pe ja raha hon
Wife: To jao na..!
Sardar: Kase jaon baher KUTTA khara hai
Husband wife mein larai hoi,
Husband ghar se chala gaya,
Husb:Rat ko phone pay,”Khanay mein kia hai”
Husb:Mai dair se aonga, tum kha kar so jana:D
Free Free Free!!
Dhoti nal kacha Free,
Gaan (Cow) nal Vachha Free,
Cheti cheti vyah kralo CHVLO,
Nhe ta tuhanu milega wohti naal bachaa Free
A good friend is just like
the brassiere of a girl
which is comfortable and supportive.
that holds you tight and
prevents you from falling
always close to your heart… :)
Fine Urdu fight of Lucknow
Two boys are fighting in Lucknow
1st: dekheiay agar aap hamari baat nahi maanein ge
tu hum aap k walid-e-muhtaram ki shaan mein
gustakhana Kalimat pesh karein ge.
2nd: Tu huzur phir hum bhi aap k rukhsar-e-mubarak pe
aisa tamancha baja laeyn ge k gaal gulab ki manind chamakney lage ga.
Sometime my mind asks why I miss you?
Why I want to see you?
Why I remember you?
Then my heart answers its simply because…..
mental patient needs more care…..Ha!Ha!Ha!…….
A man saw a little boy crying
He approached him & asked: What’s the matter,boy?
Boy:”MATTER” is anything that occupies space & has mass