why would I marry
Girl: If you get a chance,
will you marry me.?
Boy: If I get chance,
why would I marry.
Huge collection of Extremely naughty SMS, naughty SMS Text, Naughty Text Messages, Naughty Funny SMS, Misleading Naughty SMS
Girl: If you get a chance,
will you marry me.?
Boy: If I get chance,
why would I marry.
Best way to purpose a girl.
Take her to sea,
Say her to sit in a boat.
Then take the boat in the middle of sea.
Then say Marry Me
Leave My Boat.
The rain makes all things beautiful,
The grass and flowers too,
If rain makes all things beautiful,
Why does not it rain on you?
Special Valentine’s Day Offer
A new way to send your
Romantic Kiss to your Girlfriend.
Just call me and order your Kiss with Address.
I will personally go and deliver it Promise.
Booking will start 28th Jan to 14th Feb.
I always ask God to
give you what you deserve,
not what you ask for.
tuwada ki pata tussi charas mang lao.. :)
Mom: Why are you pregnant?
Daughter: This is our project in college about “Miracle of Life”
Mom: Tell me who is he?
Daughter:I don’t know, it was a group project
A notice in a factory for girl workers.
“If your skirt is long, protect yourself from machines at work..
If it is short,protect yourself from men at work”
A boy went to his dad’s friend home late night.
Uncle offered him to sleep in baby’s room.
Boy refused due to baby’s crying nature and went to sleep in tv lounge.
Next morning on breakfast table he saw a beautiful girl.
He asked:”who r u”?
Girl: “i am baby”and U?
Main ullu ka patha..
A young girl after her honeymoon
came fully exhausted and tired,
When her friends asked her what happened?
She replied :
When this 70 year old bastard told me
he has saved a lot from last 50 years,
“I thought It was MONEY”
Virginity is
Neither a Dignity,
Nor a Security,
Nor Even a Sign of Purity,
Its just a…..
Lack of 0pportunity…”
William SexFear” :-P