SMS Collection


Category: Sardar SMS

Hilarious collection of Sardar SMS, Sardar Funny SMS, Santa Banta sms, Sardar jokes sms, Sardarji sms, Sardar jokes, Sardar Funny SMS English Hindi Urdu, Sardarji jokes

Sardar Stop Imagining

Interviewer: Imagine that you are in a room

with all the doors & windows shut

and the room caught fire.

How would you escape?

Sardar: O very simple, I’ll stop imagining ;)

how do you do

An english man & Sardar met inside a toilet.

English man: Good Evening,

How do you do…?

Sardar: Good Evening,

I take off my pants, sit & then do.

How do you do…?

Is that a sun or moon

A Sardar looking at sky asks another Sardar :
Is that a sun or moon?

Other Sardar replies :
Oye ! No idea…Im new to this city
is city..