SMS Collection


To Luv some 1 is madness

To Luv some1 is madness,
2 b loved by some1 is a Gift,
Loving some1 who loves u is a duty,
But being loved by some 1 whom u luv is LIFE.

I Am Not Doing Anything

Girl : I’m warning you
My Mummy is coming back in half an hour..

Boy : But I’m not doing anything..
Girl : That’s why I’m warning you..

Hurry up !

Examiner taking practical of sardar

In bio practical:
Examiner:Tell me the name of
this bird by seeing it’s legs only?
Sardar:I don’t know.
Examiner:You failed, what’s your name?
Sardar:See my legs & tell my name

Ramadan Iftar Party Invitation Sample


An Iftar Party is arranged

on 5rd July (Sunday) 2015

in the honor of my dear “Rozadars”at my home.

You are specially invited to join the”Aftari”.

Reply about your confirmation please :)

Give me a pocket full of money

Boy 2 God:
Give me a pocket full of money,
A job & a big vehicle full of girls.

God replied:your wish is fullfilled
He became a bus conductor of karachi university point.:p