SMS Collection


It only takes a minute

It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone an hour
to like someone a day to love someone but it takes a
lifetime to forget someone

When You Rise in The Morning

When you rise in the morning,
give thanks for the light,
for your life, for your strength.
Give thanks for your food and
and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason to give thanks,
the fault lies in yourself.

wake up every morning with thanks for the blessings.
wake up every morning with thanks for the blessings.

Koo Koo Morning

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aap sy kehny aiy ha..

Lecture on Sun

Teacher: Tomorrow there will be a lecture on Sun.
Everyone must attend it.
Raju: No! I will not be able to attend it.
Teacher: Why?
Raju: My mother will not allow me to go so far !!

Boring Life without Friends

Friends are the integral part of life,
without them life is boring and empty.
They are people who fill our life with joy and happiness.
If friends are around you, no pain and misery
can stay for long they make you laugh,
they make you cry, they are always there for you!

Meri Bevi Gussa Bohat Karti Hay

1st Friend: Yar meri b.v gussa bhot krti hy.
2nd Friend: Meri b pehle krti thi ab nai krti.
1st Friend: Tum ne kia elaaj kia?
2nd Friend: 1 din gusse me thi,
My ne keh dya,
Burhaape me gussa aa hi jaata hy,
Us roz se wo gussa nai krti :p

Heart Praying

3-2 = 1 Heart Praying 4 U,
1+1 = 2 Eyes Looking 4 U,
3+2 = 5 Senses Missing U,
4+3 = 7 Days in Week, I MISS U