SMS Collection


Category: Flirt SMS

Funny Flirt SMS, Naughty Flirt SMS, English Flirt SMS, Urdu Hindi Flirt SMS, Girlfriend Flirt SMS, Boyfriend Flirt SMS, Friend Flirt SMS

Having a good laugh with a friend

Having a good laugh with a friend like you stimulates endorphins,the brain’s natural painkillers.

So, if you need to laugh and you can’t find a friend like yourself, I can lend you my mirror.

Go Live Your Life


Girl: What will you do,
if I said “I Love You Too”?

Boy: I’ll die with happiness.
Girl: Well I am not saying it.
Go live your life. ;-)

words are not enough

When words are not enough

to express your feelings,

don’t think that you are in Love.

It’s just that…

you need to improve your vocabulary ;-)

A B C D E F G H I J K . . . .

A – U’r Attractive
B – U’r D Best
C – U’r Cute
D – U’r Dear 2 me
E – U’r Excellent
F – U’r Funny
G – U’r Gud Looking
H – He He He
I – I’m
J – Just
K – Kidding

Punishment For The Girls

Punishment For The Girls

What is the best punishment for a girl?

Give her new dress,
matching jewelry
& nice cosmetics.

And then lock her
in a room Without a