leaving your footprints
Friendship is like standing on the wet cement.
As longer you stay as harder it is to leave.
And if you try to leave,
you can’t leave without leaving your footprints..!!
Every has friends and Friendship is a word know to every one. Reminding your friends on each occasion, send them gifts, cards and SMS is must. SmsGlitz has compiled a list of Friendship SMS and Friendship Quotes ranging in language from English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengla to Punjabi. You will find some good Friendship SMS, Friendship Text Messages, Exciting Friendship SMS, Friendship quotes, greetings and wishes. For Love/Romantic SMS
Friendship is like standing on the wet cement.
As longer you stay as harder it is to leave.
And if you try to leave,
you can’t leave without leaving your footprints..!!
We met it was Luck!
We talked it was Chance!
We became friends it was Destiny!
We are still friends it is Faith!
We will always be friends its a Promise!
Unredtsanding btewene ecah ohter
is rael fierndsihp eevn
we hvae so mnay msitkase lkie htis msseaeg,
btu i konw u cna raed wtihotu erorr.
Thats friendship:)
I live by faith and not by sight.
So whether I see you or not,
I know you are still the same.
A cute stupid friend of mine
with no chances of improvement.
Have a heart that never hardens
have a smile that never fades
have a touch that never burnt
and have friendship that never breaks.
Friends I am collecting Gandhi’s photos.
Please give your contribution to my collection.
A small condition is, It must be on
100, 500 or 1000 rupees note only.
FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food
REAL FRIENDS: Are the reason u have no food
FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow ur stuff for a few days then give it back
REAL FRIENDS: keep ur shirt so long that they forget its urs
FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on ur front door
REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in & say “I’M HOME!”
FAKE FRIENDS: Are for a while
REAL FRIENDS: Are for lifE !
FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore dis
REAL FRIENDS: Will forward it to there real frnds send it bak if m 1 of them
True friends are the people
who are there for you unconditionally.
They are the people
who never questin you
and support you no matter
what the circumstances are.
They are the people worth living for.
Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know.
My riches do not lie in material wealth,
but in having friend like you – a precious gift from God.