care for you in own strange ways
Relationship doesn’t get closer by meetings,
But it is sweetend by thoughts.
I care for you in own strange ways.
May be you will never know,
May be I’ll never show.
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Relationship doesn’t get closer by meetings,
But it is sweetend by thoughts.
I care for you in own strange ways.
May be you will never know,
May be I’ll never show.
You are sweeter than honey,
Purer than milk,
Softer than flower.
Since I have you, as my lover,
come to me near,
I’ll kiss your lips without fear.
Having you is treasure,
Be with me for ever!
It is the Mayuri which dances when it rains,
It is the Koyal which sings when Autumn comes,
It is my Heart which does both
when your thought comes to my mind.
Some people have nice Eyes,
Some people have nice Face,
Some People have nice Smile.
But you have
Just Leave It…!
Its not ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which cheats u.
But its really ur mistake if u cant read d eyes which loves u.
A kiss that is never tasted, is forever and ever wasted. Billie Holiday
Nobody teaches the fish to swim,
a birds to fly,
a cows to moo,
a dogs to bark.
They just do
nobody teach me to think of you
I just do
To live this Life, I need heartbeat
To have a heartbeat, I need a Heart
To have a Heart, I need Happiness
To have a Happiness, I need you..!!
I have no gold to send you.
I have no diamond to send you.
I have no credit to call you.
I have just desi words to say you that
“oye sanu pulli na”