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Garmi Ka Zor Din Ba Din Bharta ja Raha He


Ap se Request

Ke Jati He K !

Garmi Ka Zor Din Ba Din Bharta ja Raha He.


Prindy Piayas Sy Martey ja Rahy Hen.

Aap B  Bohat sary Parindon Ki jan Bacha Skty Hen.

Krna Sirf Ye Hai K Apni Chatt Py Kisi Brtan

Mein Pani Rakh Diya kry.

Pr DeikhenALLAH-PAK ap K is Amal Ka Kitna Ajar Dyta Hai.

high expectations of a girl

Teacher asks Girl:

Which part of Human body

Expands 10 times its normal size..?

Girl: I can’t answer this question

I feel shy…!

Teacher asks same question to a boy.

Boy replies: Its the Pupil of Human Eye.

Teacher: Right!

Then turns to the girl:

Listen girl your thinking is wrong

and your expectations are too high.

quality of your thoughts

The happiness of you life

depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

But the quality of your thoughts

depends on the people whom you meet in ur life.

Living for others is the way of life

Nothing in nature is for itself

Rivers don’t drink their own water

Trees don’t eat their own fruit

Sun doesn’t give heat or shine for itself

Moon doesn’t ever go on honey moon or spread moonlight for itself

Flower don’t spread fragrance for themselves

Living for others is the way of life…