judge by intention or action
One good action is greater than
a million good Intentions.
People judge themselves by their intentions,
yet they judge others by their action..:-)
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One good action is greater than
a million good Intentions.
People judge themselves by their intentions,
yet they judge others by their action..:-)
Love is like a long sweet dream
and marriage is an alarm clock.
So have a sweet dreams till your
alarm wakes you up.
Happy Unmarried Life.
Never get tired of doing little things for others,
some times these little things
occupy the biggest part of their hearts..!!
Ur sky is as much as u’d want to reach,
ur life is as lonely as u’d like to make;
Ur joy is as much as u decide to feel,
ur nite is as long as you decide to wake.
No one sets the limit for u,
no one can etch the span of the sky,
all u need to do is rise,
spread ur wings & decide to fly.
Life has 5 stars.
Kind star is MOTHER.
Action star is FATHER.
Ultimate star is TEACHER.
Top star is LOVER.
The super star is FRIEND.
Trusting in GOD
won’t make the mountain smaller,
but will make climbing easier.
Do not ask Him for a lighter load
but ask Him for a stronger back.
Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.
Enjoy today and plane for tomorrow,
Have a nice and bless day.
Education is the best friend.
An educated person is respected everywhere.
Education beats the beauty and the youth.
The ultimate truth is that
Success always kisses you in Private
Failure fucks you in Public.
A ball in my hands is worth some rupees but
A ball in Wasim Akram’s hands is worth a million.
A gun in my hands may be useful but
A gun in Nepolean’s hands won war.
A rod in my hands may keep away an angry dog but
A rod in Moosa’s (A.S) hands parted the mighty sea.
So, put your concerns, wories, fears, hopes, dreams, family and everything
in ALLAH’S Hands.
It all depends whose hands its in.