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Category: Wise SMS

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spread your wings And decide to fly

Ur sky is as much as u’d want to reach,
ur life is as lonely as u’d like to make;
Ur joy is as much as u decide to feel,
ur nite is as long as you decide to wake.
No one sets the limit for u,
no one can etch the span of the sky,
all u need to do is rise,
spread ur wings & decide to fly.

too much of today

Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.

Enjoy today and plane for tomorrow,

Have a nice and bless day.

all depends whose hands its in

A ball in my hands is worth some rupees but

A ball in Wasim Akram’s hands is worth a million.

A gun in my hands may be useful but

A gun in Nepolean’s hands won war.

A rod in my hands may keep away an angry dog but

A rod in Moosa’s (A.S) hands parted the mighty sea.

So, put your concerns, wories, fears, hopes, dreams, family and everything

in ALLAH’S Hands.


It all depends whose hands its in.