SMS Collection


Category: Flirt SMS

Funny Flirt SMS, Naughty Flirt SMS, English Flirt SMS, Urdu Hindi Flirt SMS, Girlfriend Flirt SMS, Boyfriend Flirt SMS, Friend Flirt SMS

it wud b cloudy

2days weather 4cast: it wud b cloudy if u frown,
rainy if u cry,
clear if ur happy,
sunny if u smile & stormy if u sing!

If you read you owe me a HUG

This my most beautiful SMS for you

If you read you owe me a HUG,

If you delete you Owe me a kiss,

If you save you owe me a DATE,

If you return text message to me,

You OWE me All,

But if you ignore,

You are MINe!

So wat will You do?

Girl On Facebook

When a Girl on Facebook :-

When A Girl
Accepts Your Friend Request It Means She
Accepted Your “Friendship” Not Your “Proposal”.

When A Girl Sends You A Friend Request It
Means She Wants To Be Your Friend Not Your “Girlfriend”.

When She Tag You It Means She Wants To
Share Her Thoughts With You And Not That
She’s Lost In Your Thoughts.

When She Comments On Your Status It Means
She’s Just Being Social And Not Flirting.

When She Like Your Comment It Means She
Like Your Comment Not You.