Srdar khali paper ko bar bar choom rha tha
Srdar khali paper ko bar bar choom rha tha.
2nd srdar:Ye kya hai?
1st: Love letter ha
2nd srdar:Magr ye to khali hai
1st srdar:Aaj kal bol chal band hai..
Hilarious collection of Sardar SMS, Sardar Funny SMS, Santa Banta sms, Sardar jokes sms, Sardarji sms, Sardar jokes, Sardar Funny SMS English Hindi Urdu, Sardarji jokes
Srdar khali paper ko bar bar choom rha tha.
2nd srdar:Ye kya hai?
1st: Love letter ha
2nd srdar:Magr ye to khali hai
1st srdar:Aaj kal bol chal band hai..
A friend to Sardar:
Last year the Name-Plate
outside your house
I read Santa Singh B.A
This year I read Santa Singh M.A
When did you finish yours Master Degree..?
Sardar: You don’t understand.
Last year my wife died.
I put B.A. to indicate Bachelor Again.
Then I took a second wife,
M.A is married again.
A sardar ji Doctor falls in Love with a Nurse.
He writes a love letter to the Nurse :-
I Love You sister….
Teacher: Tell me the names of
10 chemical elements ?
Sardar: Oxygen, chlorine, florine,
noreen, ambreen, samreen, nasreen, afreen, parveen & yasmeen!!
Two Sardar stopped suddenly.
1st Sardar: OMG! My wife and my girlfriend coming together.
2nd Sardar: Mine too.
Sardar had twins. He named Tara & Sitara.
Again twins, He named Peter & Repeater.
Again twins, He named Max & Climax.
Again twins, finally He named STOP & FULLSTOp:-)
Sardar: I hav’nt slept all nite in the train.
Friend: Y?
Sardar: Got upper berth.
Friend: Y did’nt u ecchanged?
Sardar: oye, there was nobody
2 exchange in the lower birth..
Sardar sent SMS to his BOSS:
“Me sick, no work”
Boss SMS back:
“When I am sick I kiss my wife try it”
2 hours later sardar sms 2 boss:
“Me ok, ur wife very sweet”
Sardar : Sitting on The Top of the Mountain and Studying….
When a person asked what he was doing….
He replied… Oye!! Higher Studies Yaar…!!!
A girl in a wedding ceremony want to go the toilet.
She asked a sardar, sardarji su su kernay ki jaga dikhao.
Sardar replied you naughty girl pehlay tum dikhao.