SMS Collection


need to be on top.

Eagle sitting on a tree doing nothing.

Rabit thought to do the same & sat on ground.

A wolf came & ate it.

M0RAL: To sit & do nothing, you need to be on top…


is the medicine 4 any kind of pain but
be sure. . . .!!!!
There is no medicine in the world 4 the pain given by

3 new girl friends.

Maths teacher asked JOHNY
“If u have 12 chocalate and u give 5 to DONA,
3 to ALICE and 4 to ROMA then wat will u get ?
JOHNY replied “Sir! 3 new girl friends”.

love it while you live it

Realize things before it’s too late.

Accept things than delay them.

Love People before you lose them.

Life just comes once.

Love it while you live it.