woman make you a millionaire
Can a woman make you a millionaire?
Yes! If you are a Billionaire..!!
Can a woman make you a millionaire?
Yes! If you are a Billionaire..!!
A woman wants a man
who protect her like a daugher,
love her like a wife and
respect her like his mother.
Wife working on a computer said:
Suggest a password.
Husband: My Penis.
Wife fell down from the chair laughing.
Computer said:
Husband texts to wife on cell..
“Hi,what r u doing Darling?”
Wife: I’m dying..!
Husband jumps with joy but types “Sweet Heart, how can I live without U?”
Wife: “U idiot! I’m dying my hair..”
Husband: “Bloody English Language!
It’s an old saying.
Keep away the tension while sleeping.
But I don’t know why people
still sleeping with their wives.
One million copies of a new book
sold in just 2 days due to
typiing error of 1 alphabet in title.
“An Idea, That Can Change Your Wife.
Man: My wife is too good,
She can’t talk on any subject for hours.
Friend: Ahh !! My wife is better,
She doesn’t even need a sibject to talk about.
Message of the year:-
Women live a better, longer & peaceful life..!!
Why? Very simpleā¦
A woman does not have a wife..!!!
Nobody teaches
volcanoes to erupt,
tsunamis to arise,
hurricanes to sway around,
no-one teaches
how to choose a wife
natural disasters just happen!!:-) :p
“Laughing at Your own mistakes, can lengthen Your Life.”
“Laughing at Your Wife’s mistakes, can ‘shorten’ Your Life.”
Shakespeare’s Wife:-P